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Development of Indonesian COVID19 Mask by Facility Improvement of Mask Efficiency Test following International Standard

COVID19 pandemic has been a phenomenal global incident included in Indonesia. This situation has caused escalation of the number of patients to be treated in the hospital and the number of personal protective equipment (PPE) for medical workers. To provide trustworthy protection for medical workers, mask needs to meet the requirements consisting of bacterial filtration efficiency, particle filtration efficiency, and pressure drop. On the other hand, in Indonesia, according to the data of laboratory tests accredited by National Accreditation Committee, there is no institutions available to conduct those tests. This study aims to develop sufficient facilities for testing bacterial filtration efficiency, particle filtration efficiency, and pressure drop following European Standard EN 14683:2019+AC.

Figure 1. Instrument of bacterial filter efficiency test
Figure 2. Indonesian mask team


Contact Person:
Helen Julian, Ph.D. (