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Effect of Preformed Bacterial Biofilm on Microbial Fuel Cell Performance

Industrial wastewater such as palm oil mill effluent (POME) contains high organic contaminants. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) in POME is higher than the standard quality in accordance with Indonesian government. Various methods have been developed in processing industrial wastewater with high COD, one of them is microbial fuel cell (MFC). MFC research has been growing quickly because this system could be used in wastewater treatment and energy production simultaneously. The main obstacle of using MFC system is the usage of expensive electrode materials and low energy output. This research is conducted to determine effect of inoculum addition and preformed biofilm on graphite sheet electrode on MFC system performance.

Pseudomonas pyoceanea was used as bacterial inoculum. The experiments were conducted by using MFC double chambers. Open circuit voltage (OCV) was set to specific value in P-Ps (preformed biofilm Pseudomonas pyoceanea).  Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) was used for current measurement to represent the results.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of a typical dual-chamber microbial fuel cell


Contact Person:
Ardiyan Harimawan, Ph.D. (