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Garbage Treatment with Manajemen Sampah Zero (MASARO)

MASARO (Manajemen Sampah Zero) is a garbage treatment system to convert unusable garbage into high-value products. Implementation of MASARO principles could transform people’s paradigm of garbage treatment from collect-transport-throw to separate-transport-process-sell, also known as cost center to profit center.

To execute this program, MASARO agent categorizes garbage into 4 groups, namely:

  1. Decomposed Garbage → treated into liquid fertilizer, liquid feed concentrate, solid livestock feed, and plantation media inside MASARO poly bags that have been proved by excellent results rather than chemical fertilizer and dung.

  2. Plastic Film Garbage → treated into fuel oil to fulfill people’s need.

  3. The Recycled Garbage → handed over directly to garbage collectors or Indonesian Association of Plastic Recycle (Asosiasi Daur Ulang Plastik Indonesia/ADUPI) and Indonesian Association of Entrepreneurs of Plastic Recycle (Asosiasi Pengusaha Daur Ulang Plastik Indonesia/APDUPI) to be handled further.

  4. Waste to Energy (WTE) Garbage → the heat energy will be utilized to support conversion of plastic film garbage into fuel oil.

MASARO implementation could transform people’s mindset from considering garbage as load to be priceless asset. MASARO in society is expected to be able to increase local people’s economy; assist local government in garbage treatment and compress the budget; and enhance agriculture, farming, and fishery to surrounding area.

Scope of Benefit Receivers: the environment of people who implement this system; local government; association of agriculture and farming; farmers and breeders; garbage collectors and garbage recycle industries.

Upcoming Prospect: developing innovations to expand the scope.


Contact Person:
Akhmad Zainal Abidin, Ph.D. (